The mark of the beast is the number of Satan 666. John the revelatory for warned us of his number in Revelation Chapter 13, 18 and Jesus also for warned us and said learn the parable of the sower Matthew 13,18-58 .The KATABO was the destruction of the first earth age. When Satan and one third of the angels re bail'ed against GOD and refused to be born of women.They didn't want to come through the labor and birth of a woman a bag of water. Instead they came to impregnate women, and to destroy the blood line though which Christ Jesus was to come. The flood of Noah was after the KATABO . Noah"s family was the only family who didn't inter mix with the fallen angels. This was the bloodline through which Christ would come, through Seth . The mark of the beast is in people's mind. It is not a number that will be placed on your hand or forehead or put in your body with a syringe, or a micro chip placed in your skin somewhere. This seal in peoples mind has been put there by Satan, false teachers ,ministers , preachers and various church organization who are telling people that they are going to fly out of here and Jesus is going to take the church out of here before the tribulation of the anti-christ (the False christ/satan) is here on earth. This is False Doctrine being preached in our churches and to GOD'S children.
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